Shelf Talkers Posts

Shelf Talkers: August Is the Best Time for Reading
It’s all part of the experience: brave the heat and make your way to your local independent bookstore (bonus: many of them are air-conditioned!) and …

Shelf Talkers: Canada Day 2016 Edition
Canada Day IS a special day, so this month, we have a special Canada Day edition of the Shelf Talkers column, an oversize special, with booksellers from …

Shelf Talkers: May 2016
Is it spring where you are, or summer ... or more of a mishmash of weather?
With the sheer size of this country, and the vicissitudes of climate change, …

Shelf Talkers: April 2016
Happy Authors for Indies Day, everyone. And please join me in raising a glass for our independent booksellers, every day.

Shelf Talkers: March 2016
For the March installment of the Shelf Talkers column, we’ve asked our assembled booksellers to weigh in on new favourites, perfect—when the weather …

Shelf Talkers: February 2016
One can never go wrong with a really good love story.

Shelf Talkers: January 2016
Here to help minister to your winter reading needs, our dedicated independent booksellers weigh in with some of their picks for the darkest of seasons. …
Shelf Talkers: December 2015
Here at Shelf Talkers, we operate with a single guiding principle: booksellers KNOW. They have to—booksellers largely depend on their reading for their …

Shelf Talkers: November 2015
Booksellers know the power of the perfect book; for many of them, that notion of sharing something they love is one of the reasons they got into this …

Shelf Talkers: Thanksgiving 2015 Edition
This weekend, as you spend your non-pagan harvest festival celebrating your blessings, the booksellers of the Shelf Talkers column would like to invite …